Planning for a VA Disability Claim, Hire a Lawyer

by | Aug 2, 2018 | Attorney

When it is perceived that there is a need for a VA disability claim, there needs to be some proper planning. Part of this preparation includes hiring a lawyer. It is not advised to go at it alone on these claims. There are excessive details that must be taken care of. You can do a few things, however, to help prepare for the process. Choose a lawyer that has experience with the subject matter. Visit a counselor at the VA to better understand your part in the process. It is much easier to navigate the application process when you are clear about the expectations.

Visit a Counselor

A claims counselor can help you begin the journey of your disability application. Every veteran needs to get some advice over the course of their medical treatment. You can also ask questions when you visit with your regular doctor. Make sure your doctor is aware of your intention to apply. This way your doctor has time to prepare your records before the due date. A counseling session can give you a better understanding of the entire process.

Choose an Attorney

Proper legal representation can make the process much more efficient. Research your options before hiring an attorney. Experience in the area is the main thing you are looking for. It can also help if the lawyers you interview have experience with your particular medical diagnosis. This gives them more leverage when trying to convince the VA that benefits are a necessity.

Planning is an important part of applying for disability. You need to be organized and prepared for the application process. Otherwise, things can become confusing. A counseling session and a good attorney are great for beginning the application journey.

Get ready for a VA disability claim. Help is available at Jackson and MacNichol Attorneys at Law when looking for a lawyer, or online access is available at

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