How Can A Social Security Lawyer Help You?

by | May 14, 2015 | Law

Social Security is a benefits program under the auspices of the United States Federal Government. This program dates back to 1935; it is designed to provide cash benefits for those who have reached the minimum age for retirement and those who suffer from a physical or mental disability. Rarely would a Social Security lawyer in Chicago be called upon to assist an individual who is applying for retirement benefits as this is quite “cut and dried,” the same however cannot be said when the individual is applying for disability benefits. Those people who are applying for retirement benefits will be accepted in almost 100 percent of the cases, for those applying for disability benefits the rate of approval is around 25 percent.

Anyone who is younger than the minimum retirement age can apply for Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) as long as they can prove they meet the criteria established by the Administration. If approved the amount they will receive while disabled will be based on the income of the disabled applicant while working along with other criteria. During the time the applicant was employed he or she must have accrued sufficient “work credits,” these credits are what is used to determine if the applicant is eligible. Along with this there is a great deal of supporting documentation that must be provided. If an applicant does not meet the requirements for SSDI they can turn to a program which is available to those with low or no income, under age or blind.

Very few people are fully aware of how complex the Social Security system is. The system is made up of many rules, regulations and laws. Those applicants for disability benefits find that engaging the professional services of a Social Security lawyer in Chicago to be of significant help. When you first look at it the need for a lawyer may not be immediately apparent but when the application is denied and it moves on to the appeals stage then it becomes clear. Those applicants who are denied on their first application find that the chances of making a successful appeal with a seasoned Social Security lawyer are far better than making the appeal independently.

Winning a disability benefits claim is extremely important as most applicants at this stage have little or no income. Winning their claim in the shortest time possible is very important to them. Applicants who are supported by a Social Security lawyer in Chicago often win their cases quickly, winning can be doubly important as part of the benefits is being able to avail of Medicare and Medicaid.

With his or her insight into the rules and regulations that surround a claim for disability benefits a Social Security lawyer in Chicago can be of significant help in winning a claim. You are invited to discuss your potential claim with the lawyers at The Law Offices of Rabin, Kodner & Brown.

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